Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Week 2: 1 Kings 8-14

Leaving a Legacy: worship and relationships

Solomon's legacy was as a man who gained favor and wealth in the eyes of God and man. As his years passed, however, his disobedience of God brought suffering to his people. What other historical figures can you call to memory, living or not, who have shared a similar fate (starting well and ending poorly)?

1 Kings 11 presents a picture of a king whose wives turn his heart from his God to other gods. If you haven't yet, read the story. For those of you who are married, how might this temptation present itself in your marriage?

Married or not, this temptation is a reality with all who seek to worship God. What are some of the gods in your relationships (friendships, dating, or marriage) that might compete for the worship of your heart?

1 Corinthians 11:1 records Paul instruction to those who looked to him as a spiritual example. He says, 'you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ.' Solomon's demise could be linked to the absence of a spiritual example in his life. As you consider the people in your life, who are a couple people you might seek to use as an example?

What would it look like for you to spiritually 'imitate' someone you respect?

What is a step you can take today to begin to follow the example of that person? (conversations, observations, etc)

Big Idea: a lasting legacy is one built on worshipping God with the significant people in your life.

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